B Side Blues | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

B Side Blues

Testo B Side Blues

One, two, three, end

Wooh !
I‘m so tired and I‘m all burn down (?)
Say I‘m so tired
And I‘m all burn down (?)
They say I got to write some new songs
But I‘m all time down
They gimme six days to rise myself
Hmm ahah
And I can‘t get no sleep
Six days to rise myself
And I can‘t get no sleep
My complains of my ass
I can‘t get no release
Hey hey yeah haahaha Yeah !
I was born, long ago
That sells right
I‘m the choosen, I‘m the one, Hey hey
Sing the song, sell those records
Repeat yourself do it again one more time
I don‘t ever do nothing twice
And I feel just fine, ahah
Take this song and shut up your ass
Yeah ! ahahahah Talk fully
Yeah! Mother ?? records give me that star
Hey! ahahahah!
Gonna be a big famous Rock & Roll star
Gonna buy a new car
Yeah! Hey! Yeah!

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