God Is Love | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

God Is Love

Testo God Is Love

God is love
Through all your trials and tribulations
God is love
He‘ll get you through all situations
God is love
And if you are ready he always is
ready for you

God loves everyone
That‘s why he gave his son, oh yeah
And you should feel his pain
Yet he gave us everything

God is love
He‘ll get you through your pain and sorrow
God is love
He‘s coming back maybe tomorrow
God is love
And if you are ready he‘s gonna be
ready for you
And though much time has passed
His words and promises always last
And I am here to say
That he loves each one of us in every way
God is love
He makes the rain that makes the flowers
God is love
And so amazing are his powers
God is love
And if you are ready he always is
ready for you

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