Fire | Fellow |


Testo Fire

Your colourful world won’t turn
Into grey
No one’s ever going to
Take you away
You’re shattered on the ground
You’re shattered on the ground
You’re shattered on the ground, no living
You would leave and run
You would leave and run
You would leave and run
We fell in love so fast
But nothing will bring us back
I promised I wouldn’t let you go
Can’t you see there’s a fire
There’s a fire
Running inside of him, my Lord
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
And the flames are gonna burn it all
My, my mind has gone crazy
It can’t get used to the idea of not having you here
I’ve gone mad,
I’ve gone mad
You said the sunflowers sadly look down
When they can’t see the sun, when the sun isn’t up
Now it belongs to us
They say there’s nothing we can do
There is nothing no, there is nothing no
But I’m not gonna sit and lie to myself as I have no control
So I’m gonna stand and fightBefore the flames will swallow us all

Can’t you see there’s a fire
There’s a fire
Running inside of him, my Lord
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
And the flames are gonna burn it all

Take my arms, run away
Don’t look back, leave this place
Come with me and we will find
Somewhere to go, a place to hide
We’ll start it all back again
From zero through a new way
But tonight you won’t be alone
There’s a fire, there’s a fire
There’s a fire, there’s a fire
And the flames are gonna burn it all

Can’t you see there’s a fire
There’s a fire
Running inside of him, my Lord
No one’s ever gonna take you
No one’s ever gonna take you away

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