Venom | Melancholia |


Testo Venom

Put the venom
inside my veins
it's my decision, it's my decision

I'm not afraid to die
my fear is living outside
by my side
while my brain is offline
i see myself dying trough the mirror killing the
time but the day dies and my soul decays inside
i can explain you
why i'm not nice
what's my real mood
but i'm so tired
and i can lie
i'm poisoned
i'm focused
i'm done
the venom flows inside us

Put the venom
inside my veins
it's my decision, it's my decision
And i don't care
for your opinion
it's my delirium, it's my delirium

i'm sorry for my bad behaviour
i didn't want to screm
But Fuck I Hate you
i swear i can't control myself
i usually feel so
but honestly what can i feel
if everything destroys me
if everything around me frightens me
i'm sensitive
the venom flows inside me

Empathy sympathy that's all what they want to see
finally i can hear all these stupid harmonies
all this stupid words that nothing seems
to mean to me but for them can exist just their silly agony

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