Valencia | Bengala Fire |


Nel 2021 con questo brano l'artista Bengala Fire ha partecipato a X Factor Italia classificandosi 3

Testo Valencia

Tomorrow i won’t remember your face
Tomorrow i won’t remember your face in the shades

You were sketches of Spain and four quarters bass drum
Sketches of Spain played at the seaside my babe

Tomorrow i won’t remember i saw this beautiful girl
All alone by the floor
You’re the peach that i want
Tomorrow i won’t remember your name and
Neither will i remember mine and the ways you’ve been mine for a while

Tomorrow i won’t remember your face
You’ll play as a ghost
Changing your shape in my brain
(you’re changing your shape in my brain)

Did you know?
It was only rock’n’roll

Did you know?
If you dance alone you’re dancing wrong my love
(my love)

Did you know?
It is only rock’n’roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and
Roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and

Playlist Spotify

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