Time To Go Home | Michael Franti | Supertesti.it

Time To Go Home

Testo Time To Go Home

Those who start wars, never fight them
And those who fight wars, they never like them
And those who write laws, can recite them
And those who fight laws, they live and die by them

But I know its time
Yes I know its time
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home

Don‘t take our boys away
Don‘t take our girls away
Don‘t take our boys away
Don‘t take our girls away

Those who build walls are pretending
That forever they can defend them
Those who dam streams can build fountains
Those of us who just let them run free
Can move mountains

But I know its time
Yes I know its time
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home

And I say, you whoooo
you whoooo who who who, you whoooo who who who

Doves fly by in the morning light
Leaves fall down on a passer by
Phone call comes and a mamma cries
Tears stream down from a daddy‘s eyes(X2)

But I know its time
Yes I know its time
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home
It‘s time to go home

(taken from live recording 1/10/2005)

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