Stand Down | Alex Lloyd |

Stand Down

Testo Stand Down

Four to five and we‘re still waiting for the call tonight
And we can hide the distant feeling buried in our eyes

And stand down there‘s no place to run
Stand down it‘s come undone
And reach out and say what you‘ve done
For everyone

He who takes a beating more than once can last forever
And we can stand this rain but ever lasting stormy weather

And stand down there‘s no place to run
Stand down it‘s come undone
And reach out and say what you‘ve done
For everyone

One and half three quarters build it back with bricks and mortars

And stand down there‘s no place to run
Stand down it‘s come undone
And reach out and say what you‘ve done
For everyone

It‘s everlasting
It‘s everlasting
It‘s everlasting
It‘s everlasting
It‘s everlasting
It‘s everlasting

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