Hopeless Wanderer | Mumford & Sons | Supertesti.it

Hopeless Wanderer

Testo Hopeless Wanderer

You heard my voiceI came out of the woods by choiceShelter also gave their shadeAnd in the dark I have no nameSo leave that click in my headAnd I will remember the words that you saidLeft a clouded mind and a heavy heartBut I was sure we could see a new startSo when your hope‘s on fireBut you know your desireDon‘t hold a glass over the flameDon‘t let your heart grow coldI will call you by nameI will share your roadBut hold me fast, hold me fastCause I‘m a hopeless wandererAnd hold me fast, hold me fastCause I‘m a hopeless wandererI wrestled long with my youthWe tried so hard to live in the truthBut do not tell me all is fineWhen I lose my head, I lose my spineSo leave that click in my headAnd I won‘t remember the words that you saidYou brought me out from the coldNow, how I long, how I long to grow oldSo when your hope‘s on fireBut you know your desireDon‘t hold a glass over the flameDon‘t let your heart grow coldI will call you by nameI will share your roadBut hold me fast, hold me fastCause I‘m a hopeless wandererAnd hold me fast, hold me fastCause I‘m a hopeless wandererAnd I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I‘m underAnd I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I‘m underThe skies I‘m under

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