Not With Haste | Mumford & Sons |

Not With Haste

Testo Not With Haste

Your eyes they tieMe down so hardI‘ll never learn to put up a guardSo keep my loveMy candle brightLearn me hard, oh learn me rightThis ain‘t no shamI am what I amThough I may speakSome tongue of oldOr even spit out some holy wordI have no strengthFrom which to speakWhen you sit me down, and see I‘m weakWe will run and screamYou will dance with meThey‘ll fulfill our dreamsAnd we‘ll be freeAnd we will be who we areAnd they‘ll heal our scarsSadness will be far awaySo as we walkedOf fields of greenAs the fairest sun I‘d ever seenAnd I was brokeI was on my kneesBut you said yes as I said pleaseThis ain‘t no shamI am what I amI leave no tiesFor a cynics mindWe will run and screamYou will dance with meThey‘ll fulfill our dreamsAnd we‘ll be freeAnd we will be who we areAnd they‘ll heal our scarsSadness will be far awayDo not let my fickle flesh go to wasteAs it keeps my heart and soul in it‘s placeAnd I will love with urgency but not with haste

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