Wona | Mumford & Sons | Supertesti.it

Testo Wona

You don‘t wanna turn away this time
Then why don‘t you take a different line
Don‘t have to be cruel to be kind
You don‘t have to lose your mind
You don‘t wanna suffer for your art
You don‘t wanna vivisect your heart
And then if you‘re falling apart
You‘re probably trying too hard

In the dawning light I found you breathless
But I won‘t deny I love you helpless

[Verse 2: Baaba Maal]

You don‘t wanna say what you don‘t mean
You still want to paint a figure scene
You hide in the wings with a lamp
And cast the shadows on a screen
You don‘t wanna sing what you can say
Well that‘s quite a hard game to play
But I fallen for your ways
In spite of myself I don‘t want you to change

But in the dawning light I found you breathless
But I won‘t deny I love you helpless

Wona, [?]
Wona, [?]
Wona, [?]
Wona, [?]
Wona, [?]

In the dawning light I found you breathless
But I won‘t deny I love you helpless

[Outro: Mumford & Sons (Baaba Maal)]
And I will be yours (wona, [?])
And you will be mine (wona)
And I will be yours (wona, [?])
And you will be mine (wona, [?])

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