Miracles | Usher | Supertesti.it


Testo Miracles

We come together
It‘s a miracle


I see it in your face
It‘s written in your eyes
Burning like the sun in the sky
Girl I swear, swear that I could taste
Taste it every time
That we touch, girl, I can‘t get enough
Feel the world slow down
As our hearts speed up
If the night runs out then fire it up with something
Something I believe and I see it all around
So glad that I found, that I found you

Better than walking on water
Or breathing in space
Didn‘t know we‘d overcome
Making it rain

Didn‘t know we overcome
Making it rain

No words beside you
Girl I forget
When you‘re the only thought I ever use in my head
Girl let‘s get lost

Something I believe and I see it all around
So glad that I found, that I found you

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