Coincidences | Elisa |


Testo Coincidences

Hidden everywhere around us
they‘ll be sending us their signals
Up to a word, up to a reaction
within our choices they are...
...they are...

Little coincidences inside every story
Shining through the spirits
Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory
Carrying all the secrets...

Streaming one after the other
in a constant revolution
Shaping the twists and turns of the future
Within our voices they are...
...they are...

Little coincidences inside every story
Shining through the spirits
Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory
Carrying all the secrets...

it feels so strange and though so good...
it‘s not about us at all...
it‘s something we just can‘t control...
it‘s a higher... higher law... a higher Law...

Little coincidences inside every story
Shining through the spirits
Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory
Carrying all the secrets...
Little coincidences inside every story
Shining through the spirits
Little coincidences bigger then fame and glory
Carrying all the secrets...

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