Creature | Elisa |


Testo Creature

Oh I should not be worried
There‘s a white land and its white flame And they‘re telling me not to wait
Now some light is coming inside and what more
Can I ask ?
I have to trust the hunger that I feel
And get ready to swallow one more time
‘N caress the little world travelling with me
‘N just keep dreaming dreaming dreaming.
Oh I should not be worried
There‘s no cage I would be trapped for
But the one I could build myself
Well you see a cloud is coming
Unconscious of its shape
And I ask myself if that‘s the heart of its beauty
Now I‘m hungry and tired but what more
Can I ask?
I have to trust the hunger that I feel
Get ready to swallow one more time
‘N caress the little world living inside of me
And just stay in stay in stay in silence
Simple and cruel and beautiful
It‘s one the first the last pulse
I believe in this nature
All I am is her creature

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