Silent My Song | Lykke Li |

Silent My Song

Testo Silent My Song

Eyes wide shut and I still feel the needle in my back
Cutting through my veins and spirit making me relax
I can‘t tell if i am living or just holding on
‘Cause wicked games heeds wicked in us (?)
Kick me ‘til I drop (?)

You silent my song
No fist is needed when you call

And you seek pain like it is pleasure
Like a work of art
When I‘m your painting, I‘m your treasure
Purest of them all
And call it love or call it murder
Kill me quietly
Close the door and take it further
Where no man has been

You silent my song
No fist is needed when you call

Silent, oh silent, oh
Silent my song

You silent my song
No fist is needed when you call

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