Savannah | LP |


Testo Savannah

The mountain was on fire
And the southern night was dark
As I drove into town
I could almost hear your heart

Ashes in the air
And it was an episode
Found my way to your house
I never felt my heart so loud

Will you let me in
I know I let you down
Can you believe again

I come to this place
To this sacred ground
Just to see your face

All of my life I‘ve loved you
Just hold me in your life
Give me another day

I made my mistakes
I know I stayed away too long
I miss your midnight kiss
And the sweetness of your song

I‘m only right for you
No one has ever brought me there
I know I wasn‘t true
I can‘t escape it anyway

Will you let me in
I know I let you down
Can you believe again

I come to this place
To this sacred ground
Just to see your face

All of my life I‘ve loved you
Just hold me in your life
Give me another day

I couldn‘t believe that I was calling your name (x2)

Will you let me in
I know I let you down
Can you believe again

I come to this place
To this sacred ground
Just to see your face

All of my life I‘ve loved you
Just hold me in your life
Give me another day

Playlist Spotify

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