Strange | LP |


Testo Strange

Anyone can get love
Anyone can get laid
You know you‘re home when you find the ones who stay
Brave enough not to tame
They let you burst into flames
Stoke the coals and then watch you blow, yeah

They‘re the ones make you trust in the universe
When you‘re lost and you‘re left and it‘s getting worse
They‘re the ones who you know will get you by

We are all strange
And It ain‘t never never ever gonna change
We are all strange
And it ain‘t never ever never gonna change

Auh na na na na yeah...

Anyone can get paid
Anyone can get saved
Everyday I still walk into the wild
The only thing I can see
The only real guarantee
Whenever I catch a knowing smile, yeah

They‘re the ones make you trust in the universe
When I‘m lost and I‘m left and it‘s getting worse
They‘re the ones who I know will get me by

We are all strange
And it ain‘t never never ever gonna change
We are all strange
And it ain‘t never ever never gonna change

Auh na na na na yeah...

We are all strange
But it ain‘t never ever never gonna change
We are all strange
And it ain‘t never never ever gonna change

Playlist Spotify

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