Dreamer | LP | Supertesti.it


Testo Dreamer

Baby you're a dreamer
You don't know what I need, yeah
Now I know you got heart
But come back from the stars

Head in the clouds
You never come down
I loved your way

Early days
I loved the maze we found
So I'm trying to understand
And I wanna hold your hand
But on your trip
You lost my grip somehow

Before the nightmare comes to play
Hold me in the light of day
I just need you here to stay

Baby you're a dreamer
You don't know what I need, yeah
Now I know you got heart
But come back from the stars 'Cause baby you're a dreamer
And we all have a dream, yeah
We can't live in the dark
I can't see where you are

I know you can't see
Don't know who you should be
But baby you got me
I can't wake you
From your sleep right now

Before the nightmare comes to play
Hold me in the light of day
I just need you here, please stay

Baby you're a dreamer
You don't know what I need, yeah
Now I know you got heart
But come back from the stars
'Cause baby you're a dreamer
And we all have a dream, yeah
We can't live in the dark
I can't see where you are

And baby don't, dream on
Because I won't, oh dream on
Baby don't, dream on
Come on, come on

'Cause baby you're a dreamer
You don't know what I need, yeah
Now I know you got heart
But come back from the stars
'Cause baby you're a dreamer
And we all have a dream, yeah
We can't live in the dark
I can't see where you are

Baby you're a dreamer

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