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Informazioni Evanescence | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Chitarra ritmica
Chitarra solista
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1995

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Genere Musicale

- Piano rock - Post-grunge - Gothic rock - Alternative metal


Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Bring Me To Life (Synthesis)

Lost Whispers
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. Lost Whispers (Intro)
2. Disappear
3. Say You Will
4. A New Way To Bleed --> Proponi testo
5. The Last Song I'm Wasting On You
6. Together Again
7. If You Don't Mind
8. Breathe No More
9. Farther Away
10. Missing
11. Even In Death (2016 Version) --> Proponi testo
12. Secret Door

Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. What You Want
2. Erase This
3. Secret Door
4. Disappear
5. Say You Will
6. New Way To Bleed
7. Swimming Home
8. Never Go Back
9. Oceans
10. Sick
11. Lost In Paradise
12. The Other Side
13. My Heart Is Broken
14. The Change
15. Made Of Stone
16. End Of The Dream

Our Love
Anno di pubblicazione 2010
1. Our Love

The Open Door
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Sweet Sacrifice
2. Good Enough
3. All That I'm Living For
4. Your Star
5. The Only One
6. Lose Control
7. Like You
8. Lacrymosa
9. Snow White Queen
10. Cloud Nine
11. Lithium
12. Weight Of The World
13. Call Me When You're Sober
14. The Last Song I'm Wasting On You

Anywhere But Home
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Haunted
2. Whisper
3. Imaginary
4. Tourniquet
5. Bring Me To Life
6. My Immortal
7. Breathe No More
8. Farther Away
9. My Last Breath
10. Thoughtless
11. Everybody's Fool
12. Taking Over Me
13. Going Under
14. Missing

Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Bring Me To Life
2. Tourniquet
3. Taking Over Me
4. My Immortal
5. My Last Breath
6. Imaginary
7. Hello
8. Haunted
9. Going Under
10. Everybody's Fool
11. Whisper

Anno di pubblicazione 2000
1. Whisper
2. Listen To The Rain
3. Away From Me
4. Lies
5. Anywhere
6. Even In Death
7. Field Of Innocence
8. Where Will You Go
9. My Immortal
10. Imaginary
11. Surrender

Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Where Will You Go
2. Solitude
3. Imaginary
4. Exodus
5. So Close
6. Understanding (Wash It All Away)
7. The End

Altri Brani
1. Numb
2. No Fear
3. October
4. One Week
5. Orestes
6. Origin
7. Points Of Authority 4
8. Sad movies always make me cry
9. Sally's Song
10. Save Me
11. Self Esteem
12. Sex Type Thing
13. Silent Night
14. Silver Rain Fell
15. Stars
16. Strong Enough
17. The Change (Übersetzung)
18. The Gate (Part I) : All I Wanted
19. The Gate (Part II) : Another Day
20. The last day
21. The rainy life with you
22. Understanding (Sound Asleep)
23. Understanding
24. Untitled (I Must Be Dreaming)
25. Wake Me Up Inside
26. Wash it all away
27. Where Will You Go (Origin)
28. Whisper ( Sound Asleep Version)
29. You
30. Zero
31. 4th Of July
32. All That I'm Living For (Acoustic Version)
33. All That I'm Living For (Autre Version Acoustique)
34. Angel Of Mine
35. Anything For Fou
36. Anything For You
37. Ascension Of The Spirit
38. Asleep At Night
39. Awake Again
40. Before The Dawn
41. Bleed (I Must Be Dreaming)
42. Bleed
43. Blooded
44. Boken
45. Bring Me To Life (Übersetzung)
46. Broken
47. Call me when your sober
48. Came Undone
49. Closer Than Before
50. Colorful Dream
51. Demise
52. Don't fear the reaper
53. Dreamspace
54. Eternal
55. Evionés
56. Fading (Intro)
57. Fading (Outro)
58. Fall into you
59. Fields Of Innocence
60. Fool no more
61. For you
62. Forever You
63. Forever gone forever you
64. Forgive Me
65. Freak On A Leash (Feat. KoЯn)
66. Give Unto Me
67. Going Under (Original)
68. Goodnight
69. Heart Shaped Box
70. Hell's Angel
71. I Believe In You
72. I Must Be Dreaming
73. Imaginary ( Evanescence EP Version)
74. Imaginary (Origin)
75. Io So Che Tu
76. It Was All A Lie
77. Jealous
78. Lies (Remix)
79. Lies Remix
80. Liquid Blue
81. Long Time
82. Misguided
83. Missing (Not For Your Ears)
84. Mistaken Thoughts
85. My Immortal (Evanescence EP Version)
86. My Immortal (Fallen Version)
87. Never Go Back (Übersetzung)
88. Never Was Never Will Be
89. New Chance

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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