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Jimmy Stafford

Genere Musicale

- Folk rock - Pop rock - Alternative rock


- Chitarra - Mandolino - Cori - Ukulele

Brani del Gruppo Train

A Girl A Bottle A Boat
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Drink Up
2. Lost And Found
3. Loverman
4. What Good Is Saturday
5. Valentine
6. Silver Dollar
7. Working Girl
8. Lottery
9. The News
10. Play That Song
11. You Better Believe

Train - Ep
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. In This Town --> Proponi testo
2. Johnny Has A Plan --> Proponi testo
3. The Time Is Now --> Proponi testo
4. The Truth --> Proponi testo
5. Go On --> Proponi testo
6. Another Wold --> Proponi testo

Does Led Zeppelin II
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. Whole Lotta Love
2. What Is And What Should Never Be
3. The Lemon Song
4. Thank You
5. Heartbreaker
6. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
7. Ramble On
8. Moby Dick
9. Bring It On Home

Christmas In Tahoe
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. This Christmas
2. Tinsel And Lights
3. 2000 Miles
4. Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
5. Shake Up Christmas
6. O Holy Night
7. Wait For Mary, Christmas --> Proponi testo
8. What Christmas Means To Me
9. Santa, Bring My Baby Back (To Me)
10. Merry Christmas Everybody
11. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
12. Christmas Island
13. The River --> Proponi testo
14. Christmas Must Be Tonight
15. Mele Kalikimaka

Bulletproof Picasso
Anno di pubblicazione 2014
1. Cadillac, Cadillac
2. Baby, Happy Birthday
3. The Bridge --> Proponi testo
4. I Will Remember --> Proponi testo
5. I'm Drinkin' Tonight
6. Just A Memory --> Proponi testo
7. Son Of A Prison Guard
8. Wonder What You're Doing For The Rest Of Your Life
9. Give It All
10. Angel In Blue Jeans
11. Bulletproof Picasso
12. Don't Grow Up So Fast

California 37
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Drive By
2. We Were Made For This
3. California 37
4. Mermaid
5. Sing Together
6. You Can Finally Meet My Mom
7. 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
8. Bruises
9. This'll Be My Year
10. Feels Good At First
11. To Be Loved

Save Me San Francisco
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Save Me San Francisco
2. The Finish Line
3. Shake Up Christmas
4. Half Moon Bay
5. Marry Me
6. Breakfast In Bed
7. Brick By Brick
8. Words
9. You Already Know
10. If It's Love
11. This Ain't Goodbye
12. Parachute
13. I Got You
14. Hey, Soul Sister
15. Umbrella

For Me, It‘s You
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. All I Ever Wanted
2. Skyscraper
3. I'm Not Waiting In Line
4. Always Remember
5. Explanation
6. Shelter Me
7. All I Hear
8. If I Can't Change Your Mind
9. Am I Reaching You Now
10. Give Myself To You
11. Cab
12. Get Out
13. For Me, It's You

Alive At Last
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Calling All Angels
2. Stay With Me
3. Drops Of Jupiter
4. Free
5. Sweet Rain
6. I Wish You Would
7. Latin Interlude
8. When I Look To The Sky
9. All American Girl
10. Landmine
11. Get To Me
12. Save The Day
13. Meet Virginia
14. She's On Fire
15. Ordinary

My Private Nation
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Calling All Angels
2. Lincoln Avenue
3. Your Every Color
4. Following Rita
5. Counting Airplanes
6. Get To Me
7. My Private Nation
8. My Private Nation
9. Save The Day
10. When I Look To The Sky
11. All American Girl
12. I'm About To Come Alive

Drops Of Jupiter
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. She's On Fire
2. Getaway
3. Whipping Boy
4. Something More
5. Let It Roll
6. Respect
7. Hopeless
8. It's About You
9. Drops Of Jupiter
10. I Wish You Would
11. Mississippi

Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Meet Virginia
2. Rat
3. Days
4. Idaho
5. Eggplant
6. Blind
7. Free
8. Homesick
9. If You Leave
10. I Am
11. Swaying

One And A Half
Anno di pubblicazione 1996
1. Counting On You
2. Hopeless
3. Ramble On
4. Sweet Rain
5. The Highway
6. Meet Virginia

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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