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Informazioni Mark E. Smith | 0 Fan!

Nome: Mark Edward
Cognome: Smith
Età decesso: 60 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Pesci
Data Nascita: 05-03-1957
Luogo Nascita: Lancashire, England
Data Decesso: 24-01-2018
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Mark E. Smith

Genere Musicale

- Post-punk - Alternative rock


- Cantautore - Musicista - Chitarra - Tastiere

Brani del Gruppo The Fall

The Remainderer - EP
Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. The Remainderer --> Proponi testo
2. Amorator! --> Proponi testo
3. Mister Rode --> Proponi testo
4. Rememberance 'R' --> Proponi testo
5. Touchy Pad --> Proponi testo
6. Say Mama/Race With The Devil --> Proponi testo

Ersatz G.B.
Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. Cosmos 7 --> Proponi testo
2. I've Seen Them --> Proponi testo
3. Laptop --> Proponi testo
4. Monocard --> Proponi testo
5. Happy Song --> Proponi testo
6. Greenway --> Proponi testo
7. Mask Search --> Proponi testo
8. Kennedy --> Proponi testo
9. Taking Off --> Proponi testo
10. Change --> Proponi testo

Bend Sinister
Anno di pubblicazione 1986
1. R.O.D.
2. Riddler!
3. Auto Tech Pilot
4. Shoulder Pads 2
5. Bournemouth Runner
6. Terry Waite Sez
7. U.S. 80's-90's
8. Shoulder Pads 1
9. Dktr Faustus
10. Living Too Late

Perverted By Language
Anno di pubblicazione 1983
1. Eat Y'Self Fitter
2. Wings
3. Kicker Conspiracy
4. Ludd Gang
5. The Man Whose Head Expanded
6. Tempo House
7. I Feel Voxish
8. Smile
9. Hotel Bloedel
10. Garden
11. Neighbourhood Of Infinity
12. Hexen Definitive / Strife Knot

Altri Brani del Gruppo The Fall
1. City Hobgoblins
2. Classical
3. Clear Off!
4. Coach and Horses
5. Copped It
6. Cowboy George
7. Craigness
8. Cyber Insekt
9. DKTR. Faustus
10. Das Boat
11. Detective Instinct
12. Dice Man
13. Disney's Dream Debased
14. Dr Buck's Letter
15. Draygo's Guilt
16. Ed's Babe --> Proponi testo
17. Edinburgh Man
18. Elves
19. English Scheme
20. Exploding Chimney
21. F-'Oldin' Money
22. Fall Sound
23. Fiend With A Violin --> Proponi testo
24. Fiery Jack
25. Fit And Working Again
26. Flat Of Angles
27. Free Range
28. Frenz
29. Frightened
30. Funnel of Love
31. Futures And Pasts
32. Glam Racket
33. God-Box
34. Gotta See Jane
35. Gramme Friday
36. Green Eyed Loco-Man
37. Gross Chapel -- British Grenadiers
38. Guest Informant
39. Gut Of The Quantifier
40. Hands Up, Billy
41. Hard Life in the Country
42. High Tension Line
43. Hilary
44. Hip Priest
45. Hit The North (Version One)
46. Hot Cake
47. I Am Damo Suzuki
48. I Come and Stand By Your Door
50. I'm Into C.B.
51. I've Been Duped
52. Iceland
53. Idiot Joy Showland
54. Impression Of J. Temperance
55. In My Area
56. In The Park
57. Industrial Estate
58. Insult Song
59. Is This New
60. Jawbone And The Air-Rifle
61. Joker Hysterical Face
62. Just Step S'ways
63. Lay Of The Land
64. Leave The Capitol
65. Levitate
66. Lie Dream of a Casino Soul
67. Life Just Bounces
68. Live At The Witch Trials
69. Look, Know
70. Lost in the Music
71. Mansion
72. Marquis Cha Cha
73. Mere Pseud Mag. Ed.
74. Mexican Wax Solvent
75. Middle Mass
76. Midnight Aspen
77. Mohter-Sister!
78. Music Scene
79. Muzorewi's Daughter
80. My Door Is Never
81. My New House
82. New Big Prinz
83. New Face In Hell
84. New Puritan (Peel Session)
85. No Bulbs
86. No Xmas For John Quays
87. O.F.Y.C. Showcase
88. Over! Over!
89. Paint Work
90. Papal Visit
91. Pat-Trip Dispenser
92. Pay Your Rates
93. Petty Thief (Lout)
94. Pinball Machine
95. Pittsville Direkt
96. Popcorn Double Feature
97. Printhead
98. Prole Art Threat
99. Psykick Dancehall
100. Rebellious Jukebox
101. Reformation!
102. Repitition
103. Rollin Dany'
104. Room to Live
105. Rose
106. Rowche Rumble
108. Scenario
109. Senior Twilight Stock Replacer
110. Shiftwork
111. Shoulder Pads, Part I
112. Shoulder Pads, Part II
113. Slang King
114. Slates, Slags Etc
115. So What About It?
116. Solicitor in Studio
117. Spectre Vs. Rector
118. Spoilt Victorian Child
119. Squid Lord
120. Stephen Song
122. Telephone Thing
123. That Man
124. The Ballard Of J. Drummer
125. The Birmingham School of Business School
126. The Book Of Lies
127. The Classical
128. The Container Drivers
129. The Mixer
130. The N.W.R.A.
131. The Steak Place
132. The Usher
133. The War Against Intelligence
134. Theme From Sparta F.C.
135. To NK Roachment: Yarbles
136. Tommy Shooter
137. Totally Wired
138. Touch Sensitive
139. Two Steps Back
140. Underground Medecin
141. Various Times
142. Vixen
143. W.M.C. - Blob 59
144. Weather Report 2
145. What You Need
146. White Lightning
147. White Line Fever
148. Who Makes The Nazis?
149. Winter (Hostel-Maxi)
150. Winter 2
151. Wolf Kidult Man
152. You Haven't Found It Yet
153. Your Heart Out
154. 15 Ways
155. 2 x 4
156. 50 Year Old Man
157. A Figure Walks
158. A Lot Of Wind
159. Alton Towers
160. An Older Lover Etc.
161. And Therein
162. And This Day
163. Arms Control Poseur
164. Bad News Girl
165. Barmy
166. Before The Moon Falls
167. Bill Is Dead
168. Bingo Master
169. Black Monk Theme, Part Two
170. Bombast
171. Bremen Nacht
172. British People In Hot Weather
173. Bug Day
174. Bury Pts 1 & 3
175. C'n'C-S Mithering
176. C.R.E.E.P
177. Cab It Up!
178. Can Can Summer
179. Chicago, NOW!
180. Chino
181. Choc-Stock

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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