Gianluca Todisco | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Gianluca Todisco | 0 Fan!
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Nazionalità: Italia
Nome: Gianluca
Cognome: Todisco
Età: 32 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Gemelli
Data Nascita: 21-06-1992
Luogo Nascita: Roma (RM)


Gianluca Todisco is an independent artist originally from Italy, but living in the USA. He was born on June 21st 1992 in Rome.
Since he was young, he always showed his love and passion for music, dance and sing.

When he was 4 years old, he started to take singing and dance classes, following up by piano lessons.
Everything was a mic to sing and every place became a stage to perform.
He got his bachelor at La Sapienza University in Rome in Fashion and Performing Arts.

At 19, after he got his college degree, he decided to move to the USA, first to New York and then to Los Angeles to persuit his passion for music.


- Laces (Prod. Fatti in Casa Production)

- Unfocused (Prod. by Alexander Jesse Castro)


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Come e dove seguire l'artista Gianluca Todisco

Genere Musicale

- Pop - Pop rap - Alternative R&B - Indie pop - Alternative Pop - Alternative rap - Hip Hop - Rap


- Cantautore - Cantante

Gianluca Todisco

Giorno di pubblicazione 31-01-2022
1. PARADISO 03:41

What is Reality
What is Reality
Giorno di pubblicazione 14-05-2021
1. What is Reality

Giorno di pubblicazione 20-04-2021

Giorno di pubblicazione 20-04-2021
1. Kismet

Giorno di pubblicazione 20-04-2021
1. Hypnotico

Giorno di pubblicazione 20-04-2021
1. Unfocused

Giorno di pubblicazione 20-04-2021
1. Laces

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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