Distance And Time | Alicia Keys | Supertesti.it

Distance And Time

Testo Distance And Time

You are always on my mind
all I do is count the days
where are you now?

I know I never let you down
I will never go away

I really wish that you‘d stay but what can we do
all the days that you‘ve been gone I dreamed about you
and I anticipate the day that you will come home, home, home

No matter how far you are
no matter how long it takes him
through distance and time
I‘ll be waiting

and if you have to walk a million miles
I‘ll wait a million days to see you smile
distance and time, I‘ll be waiting

distance and time, I‘ll be waiting
will you take a train, to meet me where I am
are you on your way?
I will never do anything to hurt you
I‘ll never live without you

I really wish that you would stay but what can we do
All the days that you‘ve been gone I dreamed about you
and I anticipate the day that you will come home, home, home

no matter how far you are
no matter how long it takes him
distance and time,I‘ll be waiting
And if you have to walk a million miles
I‘ll wait a million days to see you smile
distance and time
I‘ll be waiting

no matter how far you are
no matter how long it takes him
distance and time, I‘ll be waiting
And you can walk a million miles
I‘ll wait a million days to see you smile
through distance and time, I‘ll be waiting

oh oh oh
oh oh oh
oh oh oh

I‘ll be waiting
I‘ll be waiting
through distance and time
I‘ll be waiting

You are always on my mind
all I do is count the days
where are you now?

Playlist Spotify

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