The Life | Alicia Keys |

The Life

Testo The Life

Everyday I realize that this might be the last day of my life
Walking down the street I find that I‘m coming closer and closer to losing my mind
‘Cause when it rains, it pours
Isn‘t life worth more? I don‘t even know what I‘m hustlin‘ for
You‘ve gotta do what you gotta do just to make it through
All the hard times that‘s going to face you

This is the life, trying to survive
This is the life, trying to survive

Living will always be a struggle looking for someone to love you
Looking back at single horrors, this madness makes me want to hide
Slowly, internally, I‘m dying
Pillow case is wet from all my crying
There is nothing more for me to live for
Take me away, I can‘t live that life no more

This is the life, trying to survive
This is the life, trying to survive

This is the life, trying to survive
This is the life, trying to survive

This is the life, trying to survive
This is the life, trying to survive

I‘m just trying to get over

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