Who Let The Cows Out | Avril Lavigne | Supertesti.it

Who Let The Cows Out

Testo Who Let The Cows Out

Who let them cows out
(moo moo moo moo)
who let them cows out
(moo moo moo moo)
who let them cows out
(moo moo moo moo)
who let them cows out
Well the farmer was tired the farmer was sleepin
(yippie i o)
And all of his Farm Hands were havin a ball
(yippie i o)
Till someone left the barn door open
(yippie i o)
And thats when them cows went for a walk
And the farmer shouted
who let them cows out
(moo moo moo moo)
who let them cows out
(moo moo moo moo)
help me get them darn cows inside back in time for milkin
get back Bossy, bad Bossy get back you cud-chewin animal
(mo moo mo moo mo moo mo)
the farmer tells his wife he‘s angry
Cuz his farm hands loosin all his bulls-eye
And just as he rounded up the last herd see
he saw they let loose all of his Sline
And the farmer shouted
who let them hogs out
(oink oink oink oink times 6)

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