I Have To Give | Backstreet Boys | Supertesti.it

I Have To Give

Testo I Have To Give

I don‘t know what he does to make you cry
But I‘ll be there to make you smile
I don‘t have a fancy car
to get to you I‘d walk a thousand miles
I don‘t care if he buys you nice things
Does his gifts come from the heart- I don‘t know..
But if you were my girl
I‘d make it so we‘d never be apart

[Refrain] :
But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don‘t think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you but
love is all I have to give

When you talk- does it seems like he‘s not
even listening to a word you say ?
That‘s okay babe, just tell me your problems
I‘ll try my best to kiss them all away
Does he leave when you need him the most ?
Does his friends get all your time ?
Baby please I‘m on my knees
praying for the day that you‘ll be mine !!

To you Hey girl, I don‘t want you to cry no more - inside
All the money in the world could never add up to all the love
I have inside.. I love you

And I will give it to you
All I can give, all I can give
Everything I have is for you
But love is all I have to give


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