He Touched Me | Barbra Streisand | Supertesti.it

He Touched Me

Testo He Touched Me

(I.Levin & M.Shafer)

He touched me,
He put his hand near mine
And then he touched me
I felt a sudden tingle when he touched me
A sparkle, a glow
He knew it...
It wasn‘t accidental, no,
He knew it
He smiled and seem to tell me so all through it
He knew it, I know...
He‘s real, and the world is alive and shining
I feel such a wonderful drive toward valentining
He touched me, I simply have to face the fact
He touched me...
Control myself and try to act
As if I remember my name
But he touched me...
He touched me...
And suddenly nothing is the same!
‘Cause he touched me...
He touched me...
And suddenly... nothing, nothing, nothing is the same!

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