The Second Time Around | Barbra Streisand |

The Second Time Around

Testo The Second Time Around

(Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn)

Love is lovelier
The second time around
Just as wonderful with both feet on the ground
It‘s that second time you hear your love song sung
Makes you think, perhaps, that love like youth
Is wasted on the young
Love‘s more comfortable
The second time you fall
Like a friendly home, the second time you call
Who can say, what led us to this miracle we‘ve found?
There are those who‘d bet
Love comes but once and yet
I‘m oh so glad we met
The second time around
Who can say what led us to this miracle we‘ve found?
There are those who‘d bet
Love comes but once and yet
I‘m oh so glad we met
The second time around
I‘m so glad we met
The second time around

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