Wait | Barbra Streisand | Supertesti.it

Testo Wait

Wait before we take another breath.
We‘ve lived another moment of our lives.
And now it‘s fast becoming then.
Wait before you take your lips from mine.
How quickly where we are is where we‘ve been.
And give is given.

Once before I knew that I‘d be yours
A moment didn‘t seem a thing at all.
Just like a penny at a fair.

Once I never dreamed there‘d come a time
When time would need another day
Another week, another year with you.
Forever doesn‘t mean forever anymore.

Wait before we take another breath,
Before you take your lips away from mine,
And where we are is where we‘ve been.

Oh wait...
When you‘re in love the way we are,
When every kiss and every touch,
And every nite is like a dream come true
It‘s then you realize how small forever is.
As I now I do.
That‘s why I treasure all the moments of my life
With you.

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