What Would You Do | Bastille | Supertesti.it

What Would You Do

Testo What Would You Do

Boys and girls wanna hear a true story?Saturday night was at this real wild partyThey had the liquor overflowin‘ the cup, about5 or 6 strippers tryin to work for a buckand I-took one girl outside wit me, her namewas Loni, she went to Junior High wit me,I said, Why you up in there dancin for cash?,I guess a whole lots changed since I seen you lastShe said..What would you do?, if your son was at homecrying all alone on the bedroom floor, cuz he‘s hungryand thee only way to feed him is ta sleep wit a manfor a little bit of money, and his daddy‘s gonein and out of lock down,I ain‘t got a job now,He‘s just smokin‘ rock now,So for you this is just a good timeBut for me this is what I call lifeGirl you aint thee only one wit a baby,that‘s no excuse to be livin all crazythen she looked me right square in the eyeand said everyday I wake up hopin‘ to die,she said- nigga I know about pain cuz,me and my sista ran away, so my daddycouldn‘t rape us, before I was a teenagerI done been through more shit, you can‘t evenrelate ta!What would you do if your son was at homeCrying all aloneOn the bedroom floor,Cause he‘s hungry and the only way to feed him is toSleep with a man for a little bit of money?And his daddy‘s gone in and out of lock down,I ain‘t got a job now,He‘s just smokin‘ rock now,So for you this is just a good timeBut for me this is what I call lifeWhat would you do?Get up off my feet and stop making tired excusesWhat would you do?Get up off my feet and stop making tired excusesWhat would you do?Get up off my feet and stop making tired excusesWhat would you do?Get up off my feet!What would you do if your son was at homeCrying all aloneOn the bedroom floor,Cause he‘s hungry and the only way to feed him is toSleep with a man for a little bit of money?And his daddy‘s gone in and out of lock down,I ain‘t got a job now,He‘s just smokin‘ rock now,So for you this is just a good timeBut for me this is what I call lifeWhat would you do if your son was at homeCrying all aloneOn the bedroom floor,Cause he‘s hungry and the only way to feed him is toSleep with a man for a little bit of money?And his daddy‘s gone in and out of lock down,I ain‘t got a job now,He‘s just smokin‘ rock now,So for you this is just a good timeBut for me this is what I call lifeWhat would you do if your son was at homeCrying all aloneOn the bedroom floor,Cause he‘s hungry

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