The Empty Boat | Caetano Veloso |

The Empty Boat

Testo The Empty Boat

from the stern to the bow
oh my boat is empty
yes, my heart is empty
from the hole to the how

from the rudder to the sail
oh, my boat is empty
yes, my hand is empty
from the wrist to the nail

from the ocean to the bay
oh, the sand is clean
oh, my mind is clean
from the night to the day

from the stern to the bow
oh, my boat is empty
oh, my head is empty
from the neck to the brow

from the east to the west
oh, the stream is long
yes, my dream is wrong
from the birth to the death

from the east to the west
oh, the stream is long
yes, my dream is wrong
from the birth to the death

Playlist Spotify

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