If Love Is Out The Question | Celine Dion | Supertesti.it

If Love Is Out The Question

Testo If Love Is Out The Question

You bought me flowers and you sold me a line
You gave me compliments and too much wine
I‘ve played that game I know all the moves
You show emotion but you hide what you feel
You play the innocent but I‘ve watched you steal
I rest my case you stand accused
But I must confess I was quite impressed
You seduced me with your easy charm
And I must admit I could fall for it
But if love is out the question
There‘s no point to this affection
I gotta have more than ecstasy
Make me believe
I‘m all you‘ll ever need
Make me believe
‘Coz if love is out the question
Put a little heart to your intention
I gotta have more than ecstasy
Make me believe
I‘m all you‘ll ever need, heeey
You talk in circles when I need a straight line
You‘ve got your principles and I‘ve got mine
We all need commitment that‘s all I ask
Is that a crime?
And I must confess I was quite impressed
I was losing to your winning ways
But I must resist there‘s no point to this
But if love is out the question, oh
There‘s no point to this affection
I gotta have more than ecstasy
Make me believe
I‘m all you‘ll ever need, heeey
‘Coz if love is out the question I just gotta stop
Little point to this affection I just wanna stop
It makes no sense to carry on like this
If there‘s nothing between us you don‘t know what you‘ll miss
No love
There‘s no love
Yeah, baby it‘s true
There‘s no love
But if love is out the question
There‘s no point to this affection
‘Coz if love is out the question
Baby it‘s true
Put a little heart in your intention
But if love is out the question
There‘s no point to this affection
‘Coz if love is out the question
Put a little heart in your intention
But if love is out the question
There‘s no point to this affection
‘Coz if love is out the question
Put a little heart in your intention

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