Water And A Flame | Celine Dion | Supertesti.it

Water And A Flame

Testo Water And A Flame

Seven days is gone so fast
I really thought the pain would pass
It‘s been nearly an hour since I thought of you

But you‘re not answering the phone
I‘d settle for a busy tone
At least by that I‘d know that you‘re okay
A girl like you ain‘t meant to go away

And now you‘re gone, there‘s nothin‘ else I want
And now that it‘s over, there‘s nothin‘ else I want
And what have I done? Looks like I was wrong
Is everythin‘ really meant to change?
I guess we‘re like water and a flame, water and a flame

I‘m tired of this empty house
I need a drink to get me out
A couple more ‘til I forget your name

I saw a boy that looked like you
I didn‘t know quite what to do
It took a power of will to break my stare
I realized what I wanted wasn‘t there

Now you‘re gone, there‘s nothin‘ else I want
Now that it‘s over, there‘s nothin‘ else I want
What have I done? Looks like I was wrong
Is everythin‘ really meant to change?
I guess we‘re like water and a flame, water and a flame

If you see me comin‘
I look away, I look away
And if your mind is made up
I look away, I will look away

If you‘re worry bound
I‘m okay, I‘m okay, yes, I am
And all this sorrow and this pain
Is gonna go away, oh no, no, no

Now you‘re gone, ain‘t nothin‘ else I want
Now that it‘s over, there‘s nothin‘ else I want
What have I done? Looks like I was wrong
Is everythin‘ really meant to change
I guess we‘re like water and a flame, water and a flame

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