We Got Each Other | Chaka Khan | Supertesti.it

We Got Each Other

Testo We Got Each Other

(Chaka Khan, F. Lederman and A. Baboff)

Walkin‘ hand and hand
As only lovers can
You must understand
We‘ve got each other
They can scream and fuss
It won‘t bother us
And that is because
We‘ve got each other

I can recall memories we shared
Such love, none other could compare
Do you remember when you were loving me?
Holding me? How could this love not be?


Lost in dreams, I spend the hours
Scared in the dark, in a room that once was ours
Do you remember when you were loving me?
Holding me? How could this love not be?

We are one sharing each other‘s dreams
With a love that only we could bring

I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you)
We‘ve got each other
I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you)
We‘ve got each other
I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you)
We‘ve got each other
I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you too)
We‘ve got each other
I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you)
We‘ve got each other
I‘ve got you (I‘ve got you too)
We‘ve got each other
We‘ve got each other

We‘ve got stride for stride
Movin‘ side by side
With a strength and pride
We‘ve got each other
They can scream and fuss
It won‘t break our trust
What we‘ve got is us
We‘ve got each other
We‘ve got each other
We‘ve got each other

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