Crawl | Chris Brown |


Testo Crawl

[Verse 1]
Everybody sees it‘s you
I‘m the one that lost the view
Everybody says we‘re through
I hope you haven‘t said it too

So where
Do we go from here
With all this fear in our eyes
And where
Can love take us now
We‘ve been so far down
We can still touch the sky

If we crawl
Till we can walk again
Then we‘ll run
Until we‘re strong enough to jump
Then we‘ll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, Yeah

[Verse 2]
Why did I change the pace
Hearts were never meant to race
I always felt the need for space
But now I can‘t reach your face
So where
Are you standing now
Are you in the crowd of my thoughts
Love, can you see my hand?
I need one more chance
We can still have it all

If we crawl(if we crawl)
Till we can walk again
Then we‘ll run (then we‘ll run)
Until we‘re strong enough to jump
Then we‘ll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, yeah

Everybody sees it‘s you
Well I never wanna lose that view

So we‘ll crawl (if we crawl)
Till we can walk again
Then we‘ll run (we‘ll run)
Until we‘re strong enough to jump
Then we‘ll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl

So If we crawl (ooh)
Till we can walk again (till we can walk again)
Then we‘ll run (we‘ll run)
Until we‘re strong enough to jump (until we‘re strong enough to jump)
Then we‘ll fly (then we‘ll fly)
Until there is no wind
So let‘s crawl, let‘s crawl, lets crawl
Back to love

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