Drink Up In Me | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Drink Up In Me

Testo Drink Up In Me

1 drink got me feeling a little hot and bothered (pour a little more)
Two seconds from doing something awkward
2 drinks oooo my body‘s calling out to you (oooo it‘s calling out for you)
3 drinks now I‘m reaching for my cell phone and even though what I‘m doings wrong
And it‘s 3 in the morning got me feeling horny
Boy please come console me

I got that drink up in me
I‘m feeling extra fruity
It‘s got me feeling like doing something freaky to you (I don‘t wanna but I need it)
So come on over here and let me just give it to ya
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
So come on over here and let me just give it to ya

Drink Up In Me lyrics on
I‘m coming doing about 100 on the highway (Trying to get to you)
And baby I‘ve been poppin bottles all day (Pull up)
I‘m a show you how to do it my way (My way)
Up against the door in a hallway (Open the door)
Ripping off your Vicky Secrets OOOOO
Now I got your body screaming BLUE
Your river‘s overflowing
Girl just keep on moaning
I‘m a keep on going

I got that drink up in me
I‘m feeling extra fruity
It‘s got me feeling like doing something freaky to you (I don‘t wanna but I need it)
So come on over here and let me just give it to ya
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
I got that I got that I got that drink up in me
So come on over here and let me just give it to you

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