Famous Girl | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Famous Girl

Testo Famous Girl

[Verse 1:]
Ye would‘ve said you‘re so amazing
So how could you be so heartless girl
Live your life, take T-I-M-E
Day and night just like Kid Cudi
You‘ll think of me, you will
Drake would say that you‘re the best he ever had
Rumors come and go but you keep his shadow
Every where you go it follows
Can‘t understand, I still love you
(watch the blogs talk about this one)

Since I thought I found the right woman
There were other guys who thought the same thing about her
Like damn you let me down, down, down
Cause you‘re famous girl, for breaking hearts

You‘re famous girl, girl, girl [3x]
Should have known you‘d break my heart. {That you would break my heart}

[Verse 2:]
Keri would‘ve said my love knocks her down
Keyshia would‘ve told me I was sent from heaven
Sorry B, I don‘t have no halo
You were first to play the game though
Sorry I bust the windows out your car
I might have cheated in the beginning
I was wrong for writing Disturbia
But I meant it in Forever
We‘re supposed to be together
And I can‘t let you go

Since you thought you found the right man
There were other girls who thought the same thing about me
Like damn I let you down, down, down
Guess I‘m famous girl, for breaking hearts

I‘m famous girl, girl, girl [x3]
Didn‘t know I‘d break your heart (That I would break your heart)
I‘m famous girl, girl, girl [x3]
Didn‘t know I‘d break your heart (That I would break your heart)

Many hearts we should have left unbroken
Empty words are better left unspoken
Too much pressure I wish I was frozen
Seems we lost our way
Now I hope your happy being famous girl

You‘re famous girl, girl, girl [x3]
Should have known you‘d break my heart. {That you would break my heart}
But then again...
I‘m famous girl, girl, girl [x3]
Didn‘t know I‘d break your heart {That I would break your heart}

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