Holy Angel | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Holy Angel

Testo Holy Angel

If these walls could speak
I wouldn‘t have to make believe you‘re here
Holy angel, just stop the fire that burns in me
I need a saviour cause I‘m scared of me

I done been through hell and back
I‘m seeing demons everyday, calling me Kettle Black
Perfectionists if you‘re perfect, where your medal at?
My life way going downhill, I had to pedal back
These niggas always wanna talk about the lame shit
If I looked back on my life, I wouldn‘t change shit
Maybe a couple more cars so I can lane switch
If I put that mic on silence and never sang shit
This my life and this your job dawg
I‘m too hot, got me thinking did the clouds fall? Probably not
Shit just put me back up in the bleachers
Back when all a nigga had was a pair of sneakers
All this stress on my chest, I‘m fucking having seizures
Nowadays, having fun is fucking illegal
Walking with your head down, that‘s not grown man shit
I‘m taking over the game until I own that bitch
Yeah nigga in my hood them choppers always busting
Niggas living day to day like tomorrow ain‘t nothing
Fuck love, that shit get in the way now
She loving every nigga, ass up and face down
Addicted to the game, my young‘ns use a .38, first 48
They gon‘ throw that shit away, bet they never catch a case
I‘m gon‘ separate myself from all the lames
If I die and float away, you gon‘ feel my mama pain
Sitting in my room, I‘m reminiscing
Shit I ain‘t have a pot to piss in
Family whipping crack up in the kitchen
All eyes on me so pay attention
Got a problem with the DA should‘ve stayed my ass in VA
Thousand hours some bull, picking trash up off the freeway
I‘m the nigga that the kids looking up to
Straight A‘s now before they say "Fuck school"
Ha and I don‘t bite my tongue for no weak nigga
Cause y‘all never had to starve for a week nigga
No clothes but 44 to a house hold
Stomach growling but I kept my fucking mouth closed

If these walls could speak
I wouldn‘t have to make believe you‘re here
Holy angel, just stop the fire that burns in me
I need a saviour cause I‘m scared of me

Came in the game thinkin‘ music was the way out
To get us off the corners, hit records was the pay out
Hard transitionin‘ from hustlin‘ ‘til it‘s grey out
A decade with the devil, lemme show you how this play out
Started as a duo, didn‘t stay a duo
Things fall apart, Ricky Martin left Menudo
Was a team of us, everything was for the crew though
Never Rosé while my niggas sippin‘ Nuvo
So, so records bought more dope
Every record label dollar went to more coke
Ghetto rich but still scramblin‘ like we poor folks
We was all goin‘ left from what the Lord taught
The pressure, my pride wouldn‘t let up
The way they took my niggas had us thinkin‘ we was set up
All at once so the pain hardly let up
Now this bitch mumblin‘ ‘round the house about she fed up
Yugh, when it rains, it pours, nigga
Dope boys expect the money, hungry whore nigga
Woo, with my niggas and the feds
Do you think I give a fuck if Def Jam is in the red?
They‘ll undership your record while they pillow talk in bed
So I never try to talk them motherfuckers off the ledge
"Jump nigga," like Joe Clark said
If you ain‘t tryna win then you better off dead, gone

If these walls could speak
I wouldn‘t have to make believe you‘re here
Holy angel, just stop the fire that burns in me
I need a saviour cause I‘m scared of me

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