Marry Go Round | Chris Brown |

Marry Go Round

Testo Marry Go Round

She take over the ring every time she come around
Just call that I leave by the way she knock them down
Or maybe lv cause I am damn fine
I‘m a style like a boss watch marry go round,
Watch marry go round, go round, go round, go round
Watch marry go round, go round, go round, go round
Watch marry go

She got that firecracker, fire flame,
Marry got that ice-cream
All I wanna do is lick, lick, lick, lick her clean
Throw her on the table, take all about that label
Show her why they call me Moses
And show her that my cane is able
In... how you want it, miss marry then let me know
If they don‘t get it how you want it
Miss marry then let them know
I have it...we about the 1 o 1‘a
Bending up every corner with marry and marijuana
Getting ill, we in the ‘lac, I‘m blowing bad
With miss marry n the back, she in the back
I think she get it from her mama‘s mama
Last thins should be...
She told me like let her honor...


Since marry be more...and I just be more...
Till we get to the crib and then I hahahaha on top of it
She might be the bomb, know when she she tic-tic-tic-tocking it
But when she blow this whistle, marry it won‘t gonna be no stopping it
That blue corner, yeah that‘s her
And in that red corner, yeah that‘s her
I can see her pausing in her skirt
So go ahead marry go to work
So pop in it...all dressed in black
We‘re both tripping down your back
Man I might need a piece of that
I think she get it from her mama‘s mama
Last thins should be...
She told me like let her honor...


Do your thang marry, do your thang marry
Do your thang marry, do your thang marry
Do your thang marry, do your thang marry
Go ahead and drop it down


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