Now More Than Ever | Chris Brown |

Now More Than Ever

Testo Now More Than Ever

(Ey) if I could make the wrong turn right
Maybe you‘ll be here tonight
So let me know what‘s on your mind
You would care enough to fight
Guess I went too far this time
You don‘t want me anymore
Don‘t know how I make it through the night
Knowing you ain‘t walking through my door

(Oh) I‘m missing out on [? ] (it‘s your heart)
Girl I‘ve learnt just how to want what I need
Girl it‘s you...

Girl I‘m waiting here for ya
Don‘t care how long it takes
I‘ll do anything for ya
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
I‘m needing you here baby

Girl I understand you‘re mad
You don‘t wanna take the chance
You think I‘ll hurt your heart again
But I‘m telling you that I can‘t
I know that I messed up this time
You don‘t want me anymore
(Oh) if I could borrow your heart
And pay you back with more

(Oh) I‘m missing out on [? ] (it‘s your heart)
Girl I‘ve learnt just how to want what I need
Girl it‘s you...

Girl I‘m waiting here for ya
Don‘t care how long it takes
I‘ll do anything for ya
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
I‘m needing you here baby

Girl it‘s you...
Girl I‘m waiting here for ya
Don‘t care how long it takes
I‘ll do anything for ya
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
Now more than ever
I‘m needing you here baby [x2]

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