Welcome To My Life | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Welcome To My Life

Testo Welcome To My Life

Every dream in my head
It‘s like a mountain that I just keep climbing
And when i get to the edge
I turn around and put that dream behind me
And it never feels the way I want
But I keep on trying
I just keep on trying

Have you been there?
Have you seen it all?
Have you done this once before?
Did they tell you love this life and all these lights?
Now you‘re lying on the floor
And they know, what doesn‘t kill you makes you want it more
And this is your life
Your life, your life

Ow! Welcome to my life

Hello, this‘s my life in your TV
I overdose in that night life, them bright lights and bikinis
I keep my hand on that gold bottle, I‘m tryna find me that genie
They say money doesn‘t buy happiness but I‘d rather cry in a Lamborghini
Damn, I don‘t know who I am
I just know who I wanna be
No looking back, everything is in front of me
I never act like they puttin‘ a gun to me
I ain‘t stuck up, same motherfucker I‘ve always been
You must‘ve got be fucked up, because I ain‘t get than old white Benz
Never that though
Been on my job, sayin‘ I‘m different now
Say I don‘t listen now
I don‘t got time to pick up the phone to hear what you bitching ‘bout
I‘m on a mission, feel like I‘m missing now
Bitch you ain‘t in my position now
You never walked a mile in my shoes, I‘m feeling so distant now

Have you been there?
Have you seen it all?
Have you done this once before?
Did they tell you love this life and all these lights?
Now you‘re lying on the floor
And they know, what doesn‘t kill you makes you want it more
And this is your life
Your life, your life

Ow! Welcome to my life

I‘ve been thinking too much, I wonder if I did that right
I‘ve been drinking too much, I don‘t know what I did last night
Tried talk to myself like you don‘t really wanna live that life
I wanted it all to myself like you don‘t wanna give that life
Oh wait, but I gotta leave, I can‘t stay
Part of me say "Keep going", that other hand say "Quit playing"
Gotta keep prayin‘ (Prayin‘)
Even when I got it all , all these broads and alcohol
Livin‘ on the edge, I‘m bound to fall
But I stay movin‘, stay climbin‘
Puttin‘ in work, I stay grindin‘
Lookin‘ for the answer, can‘t find it
That‘s the truth, I can‘t hide it
Now or never forever, that‘s how I‘m livin‘ my life
It‘s hard to plan for tomorrow when you just live for the night

Every dream in my head
It‘s like a mountain that I keep climbing
And when i get to the edge
I turn around and put that dream behind me
And it never feels the way I want
But I keep on trying
I just keep on trying

Have you been there?
Have you seen it all?
Have you done this once before?
Did they tell you love this life and all these lights?
Now you‘re lying on the floor
And they know, what doesn‘t kill you makes you want it more
And this is your life
Your life, your life

Ow! Welcome to my life

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