Just Not There | Duff McKagan | Supertesti.it

Just Not There

Testo Just Not There

"Why does everything always end
up feeling so goddamn cold"

Once again I woke up this
And a warm spot still long cold
Then smell of you and your sweet
Still lingers on, lingers on, lingers

I wrap my arms around you
But all I get is icy cold yeah

Run my hands through
Your long blonde hair
But once again you‘re just not
Just not there

You know I look but just can‘t find
the reasons
To face another day
Cause I feel like crawling up inside
Just fading away, fading away, fad-
ing away...


That‘s alright, girl
I want you to know that I‘ll keep on
I got both my feet on the ground
And check it out I‘m gonna stick it
to you

Yesterday I met a girl just like you
She had the same smile and same
sweet perfume
So I turned around and walked away
Me, my blade and my bottle of blues
My bottle of blues
My bottle of blues


That‘s alright, girl
I keep walking, I keep walking, I
keep walking, I keep
walking, I keep walking

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