Cry To Heaven | Elton John |

Cry To Heaven

Testo Cry To Heaven

I found a black beret on the street today
It was lying in the gutter all torn
There‘s a white flag flying on a tall building
But the kids just watch the storm

Their dirty faces pressed on the windows
Shattered glass before their eyes
There‘s a mad dog barking in a burned out subway
Where the sniper sleeps at night

No birthday songs to sing again
Just bricks and stones to give them
Wrap them up in your father‘s flags
And let them cry to heaven

There are many graves by a cold lake
As the beds were when your babies are born
And your rag doll sits with a permanent grin
But the kids just watch the storm

I saw a black cat tease a white mouse
Until he killed it with his claws
Seems a lot of countries do the same thing
Before they go to war

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