Old Friend | Elton John | Supertesti.it

Old Friend

Testo Old Friend

I want to be good, I want to be strong
But I treated him bad, I‘ve done him wrong
I‘ve taken his money, I‘ve given him hell
And he takes it all ‘cause he knows me well

We can say what we mean and mean what we say
We don‘t like to mess around
But we‘re there to pull each other up
When we‘re falling down

Just like an old friend
Putting me on my feet again
Giving me back my pride then
Letting me go
Just like an old friend
Putting me in my place again
Giving me back my hope then
Letting me know that he‘s an old friend

I don‘t suffer no fools I‘ve testified
But he must be one for being by my side
I‘ve broken his heart
I‘ve shaken his tree
But still he doesn‘t want anything from a fool like me

We won‘t talk for a year or two
Maybe when we do we won‘t say much
Even so we know that out of mind is never out of touch

We‘re having a man-to-man
Don‘t want to get sentimental
But both of us understand
We‘ll never have to say goodbye, just see you later

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