Simple Life | Elton John |

Simple Life

Testo Simple Life

There‘s a breakdown on the runway
And the timeless flights are gone
I‘m a year ahead of myself these days
And I‘m locomotive strong
My city spread like cannon fire
In a yellow nervous state
I can‘t cut the ties that bind me
To horoscopes and fate

And I won‘t break and I won‘t bend
But someday soon we‘ll sail away
To innocence and the bitter end
And I won‘t break and I won‘t bend
And with the last breath we ever take
We‘re gonna get back to the simple life again

When we break out of this blindfold
I‘m gonna take you from this place
Until we‘re free from this ball and chain
I‘m still hard behind the eight
My city beats like hammered steel
On a shallow cruel rock
If we could walk proud after midnight
We‘d never have to stop

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