Same Old Blues | Eric Clapton |

Same Old Blues

Testo Same Old Blues

I‘m sorry baby, but I can‘t afford to stay.
Your good, kind treatment will worry me someday.
I love you baby, but I‘m gonna have to say goodbye.
Woman, I got to move, I really got to fly.

Same thing every morning,
Tell me what‘s it all about.
I get those same old blues every night.

I miss you already, baby, more than words can say.
Seems like I‘ve been gone twenty-four hours, more like a million days.
I love you baby, you know I woudn‘t tell you no lies.
If you don‘t believe I love you, look at the tears standing in my eyes.


Here I am back home, baby, I‘m back home to stay.
I love you babe, never more will I go away.
I won‘t hurt you no more, baby, ain‘t gonna tell you no more lies.
No more running ‘round, no more phony alibis.




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