27 | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Testo 27

If home is where the heart is then we‘re all just fuckedI cant remember I cant rememberAnd I want it so bad I shoot the sunshine into my veinsI can‘t remember the good ol‘ daysand it‘s kinda funny the way we‘re wearing anchors on our shirtswhen being anchored aboard just feels like the coastMy mind is a safe and if I keep it in we all get richMy body is an orphanage we take everyone inDoing lines of dust in sweat off last night‘s stageJust to feel like youMilligrams in my headBurning tobacco in my wind Chasing the directionChasing the direction you wentYou‘re a basel starThe planets are lyingYou‘re just like marsYou shine in the skyYou shine in the skyAre all the good times getting gone?They call them going going come and go. oh yeahI‘ve got a lot of friends who are stars but some are just black holesMy mind is a safe and if I keep it in we all get richMy body is an orphanage we take everyone inDoing lines of dust in sweat off last night‘s stageJust to feel like youand it‘s kinda funny the way we‘re wearing anchors on our shirtswhen being anchored aboard just feels like the coastMy mind is a safe and if I keep it in we all get richMy body is an orphanage we take everyone inDoing lines of dust in sweat off last night‘s stageJust to feel like you

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