7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen) | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)

Testo 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)

I‘m sleeping my way out of this one
With anyone who will lie down
I‘ll be stuck fixated on one star
When the world is crashing down

I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type
But you‘ve got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type

Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn‘t you
I‘m not going home alone
Cause I don‘t do too well
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn‘t you
I‘m not going home alone
Cause I don‘t do too well on my own

The only thing worse than not knowing
Is you thinking that I don‘t know
I‘m having another episode
I just need a stronger dose

I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type
But you‘ve got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type

Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn‘t you
I‘m not going home alone
Cause I don‘t do too well
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn‘t you
I‘m not going home alone
Cause I don‘t do too well on my own

I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type
But you‘ve got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I‘m not the desperate type

Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn‘t you
I‘m not going home alone
Cause I don‘t do too well on my own

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