American Beauty/American Psycho | Fall Out Boy |

American Beauty/American Psycho

Testo American Beauty/American Psycho

She‘s an American beautyI‘m an American psychoShe‘s an American beautyI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanAmerican PsychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psychoI think I fell in love againMaybe I just took too much cough medicineI‘m the best worst thing that hasn‘t happened to you yetThe best worst thingYou take the full, full truth, then you pour some outYou take the full, full truth, then you pour some outAnd you can kill me, kill me or let God sort ‘em outAnd you can kill me, kill me orShe‘s an American beautyI‘m an American psychoShe‘s an American beautyI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanAmerican PsychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psychoI wish I dreamt in the shape of your mouthBut it‘s your thread count I really care aboutStay up ‘til the lights go outStay up, Stay upYou take the full, full truth, then you pour some outYou take the full, full truth, then you pour some outAnd as we‘re drifting off to sleepAll those dirty thoughts of meThey were never yours to keepAltered boys, altered boysWe‘re the things that love destroyed(I‘m an American, I‘m an American)You, me, us, themWe‘re just resurrection men(I‘m an American, I‘m an American)Us, we were only there, to make you live again(I‘m an American, I‘m an American)Us, we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing lessI‘m an AmericanShe‘s an American beautyI‘m an American psychoShe‘s an American beautyI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanAmerican PsychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psychoI‘m an AmericanI‘m an AmericanI‘m, I‘m, I‘m an American psycho

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