Carpal Tunnel Of Love | Fall Out Boy |

Carpal Tunnel Of Love

Testo Carpal Tunnel Of Love

The carpal tunnel of love
We take sour sip
From life‘s lush lips
And we shake, shake, shake the hips
In relationships
Stomp out this disaster town
You‘ll put your eyes to the sun and say
"I know you‘re only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hiding"
We might‘ve started singing just a little soon
We‘re throwing the stones at a glass moon.

Whoa ah oh we‘re so miserable and stunning
Whoa ah oh love songs for the genuinely cunning

We keep the beat with your blistered feet
And we bullet the words at the mockingbirds, singing
Slept through the weekend
And dreaming of sinking with the melody
Of the cliffs of eternity
Got postcards from my former selves saying:
"how‘ve you been?"
We might‘ve said goodbyes just a little soon
(stomp out this disaster town)
Robbing lips, kissing banks under this room

Whoa ah oh we‘re so miserable and stunning
Whoa ah oh love songs for the genuinely cunning
Whoa ah oh we‘re so miserable and stunning
Whoa ah oh love songs for the genuinely cunning

It was icecream headaches and sweet avalanche
When the pearls in our shells got out to dance
You call me a bad tipper of the cradle
But i‘m just tired yawns for fawns on hunter‘s lawns
We‘re the has-beens of husbands
Sharpening the knives of young wives
Take two years and call me when you‘re better
Take teardrops of mine, find yourself wetter

Whoa ah oh we‘re so miserable and stunning
Whoa ah oh love songs for the genuinely cunning
Whoa ah oh we‘re so miserable and stunning
Whoa ah oh love songs for the genuinely cunning

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