Catch Me If You Can/Proclamation Of Emaciation | Fall Out Boy |

Catch Me If You Can/Proclamation Of Emaciation

Testo Catch Me If You Can/Proclamation Of Emaciation

(From Citizens FOB Mixtape: Welcome To The New Administration)

Lights in small England,
Paris, Tokyo, New New New York, M-M-M-M-Mexico
It‘s plastic (woah oh)
Stay tragic (woah oh)

Proclamation of emancipation oh dear Lord,
please let me into heaven, for just an afternoon.

No, Sam I am,
I can‘t go to sleep without an ambien
Seen so high they call me mister goodbye
Saying catch me if you can (catch), catch me if you can.

No, Sam I am,
I can‘t go to sleep without an ambien
Seen so high they call me mister goodbye
Saying catch me if you can (catch), catch me if you can.

Let‘s talk about the scene for a minute
I know we ain‘t been seen in a minute
We left before a minute now we all up in it
Baby boy if you got the big dreams go and get it
Never been the type in tight jeans i won‘t fit in
When I see them scene girls that they all gonna get in
And I‘m living clean now while you all walk in it
No it‘s me but I don‘t give a damn if you all don‘t get it
So fresh and so clean in my Eugene fitted
While I‘m laughing at the baby, y‘all crying at the clinic
I read a couple blogs and they had my ass livid
But now I got my own, the world gotta live with it
Never played basketball, but I could show you how to pivot
Making moves in that black hatchback Honda Civic
Like I did in highschool, wish that I could relive it
But I can‘t so let‘s go on and get the hook and revisit.

No, Sam I am,
I can‘t go to sleep without an ambien
Seen so high they call me mister goodbye
Saying catch me if you can (catch), catch me if you can

No, Sam I am,
I can‘t go to sleep without an ambien
Seen so high they call me mister goodbye
Saying catch me if you can (catch), catch me if you can (catch)

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